I haven't blogged in a while, and I hate for this to be my first one after a break, but I have to put this somewhere, or I'm going to scream. So here's the story. On July 4th my washing maching, a 3 yr old Whirlpool Duet Front end loader starting making this twittering noise and all of the lights on the control panel were flashing. I pushed the cancel button and even flipped the breaker to see if it would reset. Nothing worked, thankfully I had my kid's $10 sleeping bags in it, instead of a load of much needed laundry. I called Sunrise Appliance, the company that we purchased the washer and dryer from and also purchase the 5yr extended warranty that covers any problems. As expected the repair department was not in on Saturday, but I left a message for them to call me back. They called at 9 am on Monday morning and said they were backed up and couldn't come out until Thursday. I though "oh great, I have a 3 and 4 yr old, and a ton of clothes that I had already let go for wayyy to long," but I didn't have a choice. On Wednesday I went and bought a few more towels, washcloths and pj's for the kids, thinking I'd rather spend the money on items we could use instead of wasting it at the laundrymat when the washer would be fixed the next day. When the repair guy came out on Thursday, he looked at it for 5 minutes and said they would have to order the part and it should be in in about a week, this was on July 9th.
So on Saturday I had to break down and go to the laundrymat, it was only going to be once right? I spent about $14, thankfully I found a newer nicer one that had WIFI. I called on the following Wednesday, July 15 to see when the part was supposed to be in and see if I could go ahead and schedule the service. I was told the part would not be in until July 17th. What!?!?! That's 1 1/2 weeks, longer than I was originally told. She said that she could schedule the service for the following Wednesday, they needed to send 2 people out since the washer and dryer were stacked. On Friday I got frustrated and sent and email to the company, and as of today, I have yet to get a reply back. I went to the laundrymat again on Sunday, and spent about $10 this time.
The following Wednesday, July 22, they repair guys came out and replaced the part. It continued to make the noise, and they even tried plugging it into another plug just incase that was the problem. Then they determined they needed to replace the front control panel. I'm afraid to ask how long it will take to get this part, but to my surprise they said they could get it by the next day, and come out after dinner. I'm thinking "I can make it another day." Well they came back out the next day as promised and replaced the panel, guess what? It still did it!! Now everyone is stumped and have no clue what is going on. They said they had never seen anything like that before. They called Whirlpool, and Whirlpool said they would send it to the engineers and get back with them within 5 days, this was on July 23. When they left, I could barely speak, am I to go to the laundrymat and waste yet another day?
I could barely sleep that night thinking about how my weekends and family time were being spent in a laundrymat. I was so frustrated the next morning when I woke up. I asked my husband if he would go by and ask if there was any possibility they could give us a loaner washing machine. I knew he was the calmer and more rational of the 2 of us, I don't know what I may have said if I had gone and later regretted. At first he was told they did not give out loaners, but when he told them what the situation was, they sent him downstairs to talk with the guy over the repair department. Turns out, he's the one who had come out both days, so he knew the situation. He said that they would bring us a loaner that day.
I was thinking it would be 5 business days before Whirlpool would contact them. I waited until Monday August 3rd to call and see if they had any information, 7 business days, I was told they hadn't heard anything back, and when they did, I would be the first to know. Ok, now it is August 9th, and still no washing machine or information. It has been a month since the first person came out to look at it. I don't know what to do. I am thankful they brought me out a loaner, but this is a basic 1 function top loader that can only wash 1/3 of the normal load, and cannot handle delicates, or about 1/3 of my laundry needs.
I am at my wits end on this. How much longer am I supposed to wait? I'm not a very patient person, and I am trying to keep from calling them up and yelling, but how much longer am I going to be able to hold out?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Man, what a weekend, and change for the drawing.
This weekend has been such a rollercoaster, and the ride isn't stopping.
First of all, my hubby and I left friday to go on a weekend trip for our 11th anniversary. It had been years since we've gone on a trip for our anniversary. We had the arrangements made for my hubby's aunt to watch the kids for the weekend made weeks ago, and even took the carseats over on thursday. My husband's grandmother was watching the kids until she could pick them up. Well about 1/2 way up we get a call from his aunt, she said that my hubby's cousin died (not her daughter, but neice she was close to), and we could tell she was very upset. So we go into a frenzy trying to think of someone who could watch the kids at the last minute (it was either find someone or come back home) I called a friend of mine who has 2 children the same age as mine, and thankfully she was willing to drop everything and watch the kids (you find out who your friends are)
Ok, so we get there and this B&B was supposed to have WIFI, well, when we get the laptops out, nothing. We go to the desk and the owner says that it wasn't working, and told me I could go look at it. Well I reset the boxes, and the whole internet system goes down. (Now I'm thinking he's going to kick us out, and wondering how much worse our weekend could get). Another couple comes in, and he's going to take them to their room, there is a drink machine outside with $.50 20oz cokes (you know how cheap that is?) so hubby puts in 2 quarters...nothing. So he tries to put a dollar bill in, and it keeps giving it back, well finally it takes it. He hits the coke button, and it gives him a very hot diet coke. Ok, so now I'm really feeling bad. Thankfully the owner wasn't upset over the internet deal when he gets back, and goes and gets us 3 very cold 12 oz cokes.
Ok, so later we go to eat dinner and we find a place that boasts that it's the largest buffet anywhere. It's high ($15/person) but we think, Why not?. Well the food is extremely bland, not salt or seasoning (It only said largest, not best), great the icing on the cake.
A candle light dessert is served as part of the stay at the B&B, and we were given the choice between a hot fudge brownie or cheesecake. We got the brownie. I bet our eyes were as big as saucers when it came out. A huge brownie with 3 scoops of vanilla icecream, whipped cream, cherry and fudge. OMG it was delicious.
We get back to the room, and all we hear till we go to sleep is someone walking back and forth (I guess they were missing their treadmill). Neither of us sleep very well.
So the next morning we wake up at 7:30, and guess what? More walking. We go to breakfast, and the owner's wife asked how we slept, we told her not well and what the deal was. Breakfast was wonderful, the first great thing to happen yet.
We leave the room and go to Gatlinburg, and walk and window shop, we had a great time, the weather was wonderful.
That evening we went on the sunset cruise offered by the B&B, it was really nice, we were going to have a great day, right? Wrong. (BTW this was our actual anniversary).
There was a seafood restaurant a mile from the B&B that was supposed to be great. Well, we go, and we ask if they can salt and pepper the flounder and popcorn shrimp. "All we can do is bake or fry" was our response, we should have left right then. We sit there for 20 minutes and people who were seated before us already had their food when ours was brought out. I barely recognised the flounder, it looked like processed fish, and the food was luke warm. We didn't eat it.
We go back to the B&B and got the dessert, 2 huge slices of cheesecake for each of us, WOW, and it was great.
That night we get in the hot tub, we slept great that night. (BTW, we found out the people above us were the owners relatives, they moved them to another part of the B&B.)
Sunday we woke up at 7:30 to a beautiful day, and get breakfast, again a great breakfast.
The trip home was uneventful. We come home and get the dogs settled (the new lab stayed with someone else for the weekend). Then we go get the kids (We bought my friend a $25 gift certificate for stepping in, I know not much, but it was a little something).
We leave there and go visit the aunt who's daughter died. Hubby was a pall bearer today. I've told everyone that I would not be able to be there, since my 2 babies funerals, I just can't do them anymore.
So that was my weekend, and the roller coaster is still going.
Oh, and I had 2 wholesale inquiries over the weekend, but not holding my breath.
So, that being said, there was no time to do the drawing for the giveaway, nor would I have time to get it made and shipped in time for easter. So this is what I'm doing. I'm going to continue the giveaway to Friday April 10th, and I'm gonna give away $20 in products. The previous entries will still count toward this drawing.
Also, if you make any purchase in my shop you will get 2 additional entries, just post your transaction number.
I will also give you 20% off on any purchase in either my Etsy shop or Artfire shop. Just put "Blog20" in message to seller.
First of all, my hubby and I left friday to go on a weekend trip for our 11th anniversary. It had been years since we've gone on a trip for our anniversary. We had the arrangements made for my hubby's aunt to watch the kids for the weekend made weeks ago, and even took the carseats over on thursday. My husband's grandmother was watching the kids until she could pick them up. Well about 1/2 way up we get a call from his aunt, she said that my hubby's cousin died (not her daughter, but neice she was close to), and we could tell she was very upset. So we go into a frenzy trying to think of someone who could watch the kids at the last minute (it was either find someone or come back home) I called a friend of mine who has 2 children the same age as mine, and thankfully she was willing to drop everything and watch the kids (you find out who your friends are)
Ok, so we get there and this B&B was supposed to have WIFI, well, when we get the laptops out, nothing. We go to the desk and the owner says that it wasn't working, and told me I could go look at it. Well I reset the boxes, and the whole internet system goes down. (Now I'm thinking he's going to kick us out, and wondering how much worse our weekend could get). Another couple comes in, and he's going to take them to their room, there is a drink machine outside with $.50 20oz cokes (you know how cheap that is?) so hubby puts in 2 quarters...nothing. So he tries to put a dollar bill in, and it keeps giving it back, well finally it takes it. He hits the coke button, and it gives him a very hot diet coke. Ok, so now I'm really feeling bad. Thankfully the owner wasn't upset over the internet deal when he gets back, and goes and gets us 3 very cold 12 oz cokes.
Ok, so later we go to eat dinner and we find a place that boasts that it's the largest buffet anywhere. It's high ($15/person) but we think, Why not?. Well the food is extremely bland, not salt or seasoning (It only said largest, not best), great the icing on the cake.
A candle light dessert is served as part of the stay at the B&B, and we were given the choice between a hot fudge brownie or cheesecake. We got the brownie. I bet our eyes were as big as saucers when it came out. A huge brownie with 3 scoops of vanilla icecream, whipped cream, cherry and fudge. OMG it was delicious.
We get back to the room, and all we hear till we go to sleep is someone walking back and forth (I guess they were missing their treadmill). Neither of us sleep very well.
So the next morning we wake up at 7:30, and guess what? More walking. We go to breakfast, and the owner's wife asked how we slept, we told her not well and what the deal was. Breakfast was wonderful, the first great thing to happen yet.
We leave the room and go to Gatlinburg, and walk and window shop, we had a great time, the weather was wonderful.
That evening we went on the sunset cruise offered by the B&B, it was really nice, we were going to have a great day, right? Wrong. (BTW this was our actual anniversary).
There was a seafood restaurant a mile from the B&B that was supposed to be great. Well, we go, and we ask if they can salt and pepper the flounder and popcorn shrimp. "All we can do is bake or fry" was our response, we should have left right then. We sit there for 20 minutes and people who were seated before us already had their food when ours was brought out. I barely recognised the flounder, it looked like processed fish, and the food was luke warm. We didn't eat it.
We go back to the B&B and got the dessert, 2 huge slices of cheesecake for each of us, WOW, and it was great.
That night we get in the hot tub, we slept great that night. (BTW, we found out the people above us were the owners relatives, they moved them to another part of the B&B.)
Sunday we woke up at 7:30 to a beautiful day, and get breakfast, again a great breakfast.
The trip home was uneventful. We come home and get the dogs settled (the new lab stayed with someone else for the weekend). Then we go get the kids (We bought my friend a $25 gift certificate for stepping in, I know not much, but it was a little something).
We leave there and go visit the aunt who's daughter died. Hubby was a pall bearer today. I've told everyone that I would not be able to be there, since my 2 babies funerals, I just can't do them anymore.
So that was my weekend, and the roller coaster is still going.
Oh, and I had 2 wholesale inquiries over the weekend, but not holding my breath.
So, that being said, there was no time to do the drawing for the giveaway, nor would I have time to get it made and shipped in time for easter. So this is what I'm doing. I'm going to continue the giveaway to Friday April 10th, and I'm gonna give away $20 in products. The previous entries will still count toward this drawing.
Also, if you make any purchase in my shop you will get 2 additional entries, just post your transaction number.
I will also give you 20% off on any purchase in either my Etsy shop or Artfire shop. Just put "Blog20" in message to seller.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
One Dozen Egg Giveaway!!
These eggs are not quite as fragile as the ones from hens, nor do they need refridgeration. They are soap. These eggs are great for Easter Baskets, to give to friends, or even be stingy and keep for yourself.

I've been out of blogging for a while, so I thought I'd come back with a fun giveaway. I'm giving away a dozen of these eggs, and a 4oz jar of Pamper Your Hiney Satin and Silk Lotion (a $24.00 value). You get to choose the color and fragrance of your eggs and fragrance of your lotion. I will end the giveaway on Monday (I will be out of town on an anniversary trip this weekend), so I can get them made and shipped by Tuesday in order for them to arrive in time for Easter.
So, here are the details:
First Entry: Put your choice of color and scent (up to 3) that you want for your eggs,
and choice of scent for you lotion in a comment.
Second Entry: Blog about this giveaway, and comment.
Third Entry: Twitter about this giveaway, and post it here.
Each entry must be listed in a seperate comment in order to be counted.
So for the not so small print. Giveaway is only open to residents of the US and Canada. It will end at Noon on April 6th.
But most importantly: HAVE FUN!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Twenty Hiney Bucks!!
Who doesn't like freebies? I am going to give away $20 to be used in my shop. It will be valid for up to $20 of free products in my shop, or $10 off of a purchase over $20. Will not count toward shipping.
What do I have available?
A wide variety of soaps.

How do you enter to win?
1st Entry: Go to my shop and post what you would like to get with your $20.
2nd entry: Blog about this giveaway.
3rd entry. Tweet about this giveaway, and post back here.
Please post each entry as a seperate comment. One comment will count as one entry.
When does the giveaway end? March 6th at 12 noon.
Who is eligible? Anyone, it's open worldwide.
Also get 10% off on orders less than $20 and get 20% off of purchases of $20 or more, put "blog" in message to seller.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hubby's Birthday Smurf Cake!!

Pastrystitches is gonna get a whippin! A vanilla frosting whippin!!! Congratulations!!
Hubby's CakeToday is my hubby's birthday, and I made him a Blue Velvet cake from a Paula Dean recipe. It came out really well, but I call it a smuf cake..lol.

It's very similar to a standard red velvet, but the frosting is made from cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, coconut and pecans.
My 4 year old son kept saying "Daddy's birthday cake has a hole in it."...lol
Monday, February 16, 2009
Just a Little Green!
Well, I was feeling green yesterday, but I'm gonna show of some green items!!
These bookmarks from BookWormz are so neat! To secure your Bookwormz, just place the ribbon in your book, close your book, and then slip the elastic band over the button on the outside of your book.

This Wall-Mount Magnet Board from MooreMagnets is great for all ages. I even had a booth beside of her at a street festival.

I have this Lime Cooler scented Shower Your Hiney Shower gel in my shop.
Friday, February 13, 2009
My First Three Angels!
Some of you may know my story, but most of you don't. I have had 5 babies, but only have 2 here with me. So here are the stories of the first three.

Payton Ryleigh

Payton Ryleigh was my first daughter. I found out I was pregnant on February 18, two dayse before my husband's 25th birthday. I was so excited that I forgot his birthday, at least until his mom called. I told my husband that morning that we were going to have a daughter.
The first half of my pregnancy was normal, no problem. Well, besides the fact that I had to take my hubby to the hospital for labor pains, I swear I could have set a time to them. Well, 20 weeks along I wasn't feeling her move. My doctor would listen, and brush it off because she was hearing the heartbeat (great doctor right?). I asked again at 28 weeks, and she still would not do an ultrasound.
At 31 weeks I went for a check up, and she didn't measure me, but said all was fine. That night after the visit, I started hurting in my hip so bad I couldn't move. So I ended up in the ER, and was sent up to the labor and deliver Department. I kept joking with my hubby about them sending me to the L&D, I wasn't in labor. They measured me, and I measured the equivalent of a person at 41 weeks pregnant, a full 10 weeks farther along than I should have been. One of the other doctors from the OB/GYN office came in and did an ultrasound, and there was this tiny baby floating in a ton of amniotic fluid.
I was sent to a hospital an hour away by ambulance, not a fun ride. I spent 5 days in the hospital, and was told that my baby (I didn't know the sex yet) only had a 5% chance of survival. The doctors gave me the option to teminate, but to me that wasn't an option.
I went back to my ob back home, and she told me that if my baby hadn't moved by 36 weeks she would have ran test. WHAT!!!! I realised then she was insane, and transferred to the Maternal/Fetal Specialist an hour away. He convince me to have an amnio done. I found out the following Monday that I was going to have a girl. That Friday I went to a check up and they did an ultrasound, and found out the baby had died. I was put in the hospital that day and induced. She was stillborn at 2:10 am on September 30th 2000 at 36 weeks.
Kolby Greyson

We made the decision to try again after 3 months. I got pregnant in April of 2001. I decided to start out going to the specialist for my visits. I had ultrasounds about every 4 weeks. Everything seemed normal, until 31 weeks. The doctor noticed that Kolby was smaller than he should have been that far along. Kolby did kick and that was wonderful, since I never felt Payton move. I was sent to the hospital for testing, and Kolby wasn't responding. The only option I really had was to wait it out and see what happened.
At 36 weeks, the doctor decided to go ahead and induce. Kolby was born at 10:50pm on November 30th 2001. At that time the pediatric staff was there to tube him so he could breath. I didn't get to see him. After about 5 hours I was allowed to go to NICU to see him. Long story short, we had to make the decision to take him off of life support at 17 days old.
We were fortunate to have the Ronald McDonald House to stay in. They had the best staff.
In 2003 we decided to try for another baby. I found out i was pregnant February. On April 4th (mine and hubby's 5th anniversary) I knew something wasn't right. My ob got me in and did an ultrasound and we found out the baby had died. I had a D&C on April 12th.
I think I got depressed more after this loss than the first 2. I think I gave up hope of ever having a baby. My husband and I had talked about kids before we ever got married, and it was something we both wanted.
Good News

Well we never gave up. I got pregnant and found out on Easter of 2004. This pregnancy went well, and Brennan Grady was born on November 6th of 2004.
Again in 2005 we decided to try for one more and in August found out I was pregnant again, this time it was a girl. Iveigh Meadow was born on March 24th 2006.
We finally had 2 babies of our own.
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